Thursday, July 22, 2010

The black sheep.

So it's very obvious that I stand out much much
more than my other siblings in my family.

I'm the odd ball.
The art freak.
The Rebel?

Tattoo's and Piercings are my thing.
My sister has her ears pierced and a tattoo on her ankle.
My brothers have maybe one in their ear.

Then there is me...
Little miss 11 piercings and TWO tattoos.

*Yes my tattoo number has officially increased by ONE.*


Friday, July 16, 2010


Okay so I havn't posted anything in FOREVER.
Been up to quite alot the past few weeks.
+been working my ass off.
+been shopping
+been spending time with people [really rare thing I never do!]
+actually working on loseing this stupid weight
+painting and drawing more
+been swiming, more this summer than any in the last 5 years.

so yeah. My life has been crazy busy as of late.
I'm hopeing to use some of my graduation money to invest in a new laptop...
well actually I want a macbook...
mom however dosn't have a clue about comeputers
and cant seem to comprehend why I would want such
an overly expensive laptop.

Not a whole lot on my mind...
good news is I FINALLY got a new phone and am able to send and recive picture texts now. :]

Woot for that!